Getting To Know Angela Yeh: Part Two

Season #1 Episode #8

On the last episode of Designing Futures, we got to listen Angela's journey and how she started her journey with her as a child empath, a middle school Dr. Ruth, and all the way to college as a rat pup EMT.


In this episode, we will hear Angela's stories of how she found out about her mentorship talent that she discovered in grad school as well as how she pivoted from being a designer and into a creative recruiter. Angela also shared with us her experiences working for other recruitment agencies and what made her decide to build her own.


Angela Yeh is a Talent Strategist, public speaker, and industry expert on career transformation. She has helped hundreds of professionals pivot their careers to success. With decades of executive career coaching and recruitment experience, Angela founded Yeh IDeology, a talent strategy consulting firm, that helps employers nurture, cultivate and evolve the best talent teams through Talent Strategies, a proprietary methodology developed to align talent to the corporate mission.