Getting To Know Angela Yeh: Part One

Season #1 Episode #7

In this episode, we'll get to know more about the history and background of Yeh IDeology's Founder & CEO! We'll hear some of Angela's origin stories and how she came to be who she is today.


From the early discovery of her innate people skills to her hidden talent in rat pup resuscitation, as well as how she pivoted from the field of scientific research, to industrial design, and finally into talent strategy and recruitment.


Stay tuned next week for part two!


Angela Yeh is a Talent Strategist, public speaker, and industry expert on career transformation. She has helped hundreds of professionals pivot their careers to success. With decades of executive career coaching and recruitment experience, Angela founded Yeh IDeology, a talent strategy consulting firm, that helps employers nurture, cultivate and evolve the best talent teams through Talent Strategies, a proprietary methodology developed to align talent to the corporate mission.